During this week of my group coaching program, Your Midlife Masterpiece, participants are focusing on being curious. Why? Because by midlife, we are loaded with preconceived notions, cynicism, and judgment. While they work to keep us safe, we sometimes mistake their warnings for wisdom. They also age us and make us unnecessarily rigid in our thinking.
Curiosity cultivates an open and active mind, shutting down judgment and passivity and seeing the world with what Zen monks call, “a beginners mind.” Having fresh eyes and ears shuts down the midlife mind in all its cynicism and reopens the doors to adventure and possibility.
But the cynical midlife mind is a tough nut to crack at times, filled with all sorts of shoulds. By getting curious, we start researching real answers to our questions, rather than relying on old narratives of what “makes sense.” Like an explorer or a scientist, when we research and test our ideas and theories, real answers soon replace our myths around a given topic or course of action.
Thinking of switching careers? Start by interviewing three people who have the job you want and ask them the pros and cons. Wondering what it would be like to live and work in another country? Dig into a little online research, and you’ll see that what may seem like a pipe dream is a real possibility. Telling yourself you want more from life but don’t know where to start? Keep a list or mason jar of all your curiosities and crazy ideas and start researching just one.
How can you invite more curiosity into your life this week?
Once you start inviting more curiosity into your life, you’ll start seeing life as an adventure. You’ll start challenging old belief systems, and start opening your heart and mind to new realities. If you need a hand on the journey, consider life coaching. It’s a great way to shatter outdated beliefs and start seeing yourself and your prospects with fresh possibilities.